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Application for Membership

“Separate not thyself from the community.” 

The Brotherhood Synagogue extends to you a warm hand of friendship and, in keeping with the rabbinic dictum, “separate not thyself from the community,” invites you to join our congregation for prayer, study, and meeting with friends. The Brotherhood Synagogue is a welcoming congregation in the Conservative Jewish tradition.

By filling out this form as fully as possible, you will help us to serve your needs to the best of our ability. We look forward to a long and meaningful relationship.

Applying for membership at Brotherhood is a straightforward and easy process. Please completely fill out the form below – the information is intended for Synagogue records only. If you have any questions, please contact our Synagogue Office.

Family (Regular): $3,440 includes $315 security fee
Family (Age 26-30): $1,385
Family (Age 21-25) $355
Individual (Regular) $1,735 includes $160 security fee
Individual (Age 26-30): $690
Individual (Age 21-25): $185
Interfaith (Regular): $1,735 includes $160 security fee
Out of Town: $295 (Does not include High Holiday tickets)

IMPORTANT: Brotherhood's membership runs every April through the following March. Through October to March dues are prorated.  If you have any questions, please call Toby Borzekowski at 212-674-5750.  

The funding needed to carry out operations comes from membership dues and other contributions. We keep our dues as low as possible in an effort to be inclusive. It is Brotherhood Synagogue’s policy never to deny membership for financial reasons. Please contact our Executive Director, Alisha Goodman, if you have any financial questions. All financial information will be kept confidential.

In order to ensure the long-range financial stability of the Synagogue, all new members in the regular Family and Individual categories are requested to contribute a one-time gift to the building fund (equivalent to your dues) payable over the course of three years, in addition to annual dues. This amounts to $1,042 for a family membership and $525 for an an individual.



if applicable
if applicable

if applicable
if applicable

if applicable
if applicable

if applicable
if applicable

The Brotherhood Synagogue is a non-profit religious institution belonging to its membership.
 The funding needed to carry out operations comes from membership dues and other contributions. We keep our dues as low as possible in an effort to be inclusive. It is Brotherhood Synagogue’s policy never to deny membership for financial reasons. Please contact our Executive Director, Alisha Goodman, if you have any financial questions. All financial information will be kept confidential.

Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784